The Ultimate Top 10 Best Non Monitored Medical Alert Systems, Expert’s Top Recommendations

non monitored medical alert systems detailed review

Non monitored medical alert systems give you the peace of mind of knowing that you can call for help in an emergency without the need for a 24/7 monitoring service. These systems are easy to install and come with a range of features to help ensure your safety. The base unit is usually equipped with a personal help button that you can press to call for help in a medical emergency. The systems also include a loud alarm that will alert those nearby if you are in distress. For added safety, they often come with waterproof pendants that you can wear in the shower or bath. You can also purchase optional accessories such as wall mounted pull cords and fall detection sensors that will activate the system if you fall. With a non monitored medical alert system, you can be sure that you will have the help you need when you need it.